• 與未來對話:ESD永續教育組織的實踐故事
  • 與未來對話:ESD永續教育組織的實踐故事



­~本集由 儲詠潔 Lyanne 及 黃可竹 Roxana 主持~


    The world is made up of various aspects, from the environment to society and the economy. How do you feel about the world around you? If there are areas that need improvement, where should we focus? If you appreciate its beauty, how can we preserve it? As members of this global village, we all share the responsibility for promoting sustainability. But how can we contribute? In today’s episode, we’ll explore Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) through the work of the 螢光教育基金會, an organization dedicated to fostering active learning. They host workshops and activities for students and educators, and offer training to teachers to enhance their ESD skills.

    Similarly, the 臺灣潛進永續教育協會 (TIEA) provides support for teachers, recognizing their key role in ESD. They offer workshops and lectures across Taiwan, while also focusing on senior high school students through camps and activities, making a significant impact. Luckily, we are excited to have 奕榮 Boris, the founder of TIEA, as today’s guest to discuss ESD in Taiwan.  If you are interested in today’s episode, stay tuned!


    同樣地,臺灣潛進永續教育協會(TIEA)也為教師提供支持,並認為他們在ESD中扮演著關鍵角色。TIEA在全台舉辦工作坊和講座,同時透過營隊和活動關注高中生,產生了顯著的影響。我們很榮幸邀請到TIEA創辦人奕榮 Boris作為今天的嘉賓,與我們討論台灣的ESD。如果你對今天的節目感興趣,請繼續關注!




Engcredible 英語奇育記
Engcredible 英語奇育記
首播日期 :
主持人 :

因應全球化潮流及科技進步,英語是連結世界的關鍵能力之一。為了提升國人英語能力,創造英語廣播學習環境,本臺與國立臺灣師範大學教育學系合作製播英語校園生活資訊「Engcredible 英語奇育記」節目。
In response to the trend of globalization and technological progress, English is one of the key abilities to connect the world. To improve English proficiency and create an English broadcast learning environment, the NERS is cooperating with the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University to produce and broadcast the English campus life information program "Engcredible-Learning English for Cultivation ".
This program is produced by a team of teachers and students from the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University. The program is designed to include modules that share international, cultural and educational knowledge and interviews with personalities, and its content includes cultural and educational information, cultural exploration, daily life information, and campus folk songs collection, etc. The lively style of the multifaceted program is designed to stimulate young students' interest in learning English.


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