• 【海外經驗】音樂教學與人生 ft.美國樂團教師 玫瑾老師
  • 【海外經驗】音樂教學與人生 ft.美國樂團教師 玫瑾老師

【海外經驗】音樂教學與人生 ft.美國樂團教師 玫瑾老師

邀訪來賓:Upper Dublin School District Orchestra teacher陳玫瑾播出日期:2024/10/14

~本集由 林亮言 Julie 及 楊詠晴 Erica~


“音樂教學與人生 ft.美國樂團教師 玫瑾老師” In today’s episode, Julie and Erica will discuss the differences in education culture between Taiwan and the United States and chat with the guest, 玫瑾老師, about her teaching career in the U.S.!  In Engbetween, we will explore the differences in textbook usage between Taiwan and the U.S. Moreover, we'll hear from 玫瑾老師, who was born and raised in Taiwan and later moved to the U.S. to pursue a teaching career. She will share her experiences and insights with us, providing a closer look at the reality of education in America. Don't miss this episode!

"音樂教學與人生 ft.美國樂團教師 玫瑾老師" 在今天的節目中,Julie 和 Erica 將討論台美的教育文化差異,並與受訪者玫瑾老師聊聊他在美國的教學生涯!在小單元Engbetween 中,我們將討論台美的教科書使用差異。此外,我們還邀請到了在台灣出生長大,而後到美讀書並在美國從事教職的老師,玫瑾老師。她即將與我們分享更多自身的經驗與體悟!讓大家進一步瞭解美國教育的真實樣貌呦!千萬不要錯過本期節目囉!




Engcredible 英語奇育記
Engcredible 英語奇育記
首播日期 :
主持人 :

因應全球化潮流及科技進步,英語是連結世界的關鍵能力之一。為了提升國人英語能力,創造英語廣播學習環境,本臺與國立臺灣師範大學教育學系合作製播英語校園生活資訊「Engcredible 英語奇育記」節目。
In response to the trend of globalization and technological progress, English is one of the key abilities to connect the world. To improve English proficiency and create an English broadcast learning environment, the NERS is cooperating with the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University to produce and broadcast the English campus life information program "Engcredible-Learning English for Cultivation ".
This program is produced by a team of teachers and students from the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University. The program is designed to include modules that share international, cultural and educational knowledge and interviews with personalities, and its content includes cultural and educational information, cultural exploration, daily life information, and campus folk songs collection, etc. The lively style of the multifaceted program is designed to stimulate young students' interest in learning English.


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