In today’s news, Double J will introduce an amazing action implemented in Llandeilo Primary School, which is located in Wales. In this action, the teachers there believe that pets can help students deal with their learning and emotional issues. In addition, it’s also shown that some special schools “hire” these little pets into school to accompany students with special needs, and sometimes they can also heal the staff in the school. This opens a new possibility for both animals and humans. In today’s interview, we invited Sabrina, who studies at both National Chung Hsing University and NEOMA Business School. She steps out her comfort zone and studies in France for the rest two years of her college life. Through her fancy experience in both school time and after-school time in France, we will learn about the educational environment and culture. If you are interested, just stay tuned on Engcredible!
在本次的新聞中,Double J 探討了一所來自威爾斯的國小嘗試將寵物犬帶入校園中,透過營造出溫暖又平靜的教室環境幫助學生解決學習以及心靈上的難題。此外,更有新聞指出許多特殊學校亦開始「雇用」動物們陪伴特殊需求的學生,甚至連校園中的工作人員也能因此獲益。透過本次的新聞,相信能夠使更多人發掘寵物們不同的可能性,並且更順利地達成教育的目的。除此之外,今天Double J 邀請了來自國立中興大學以及法國歐諾商學院的學生Sabrina來我們節目,她在大學時期選擇跨出舒適圈,利用剩下的在學期間參與雙聯制的留學機會,飛到法國,體驗不一樣的學習環境,藉由她豐富的故事分享,我們可以從中聽到不同的文化體驗,如果你對今天的內容有興趣,那就千萬別錯過本集節目的播出喔!