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Key word : polar bear北極熊、chubby胖胖的、skate溜冰 北極熊胖胖開始學溜冰。Chubby the polar bear learns to skate. 笨手笨腳,常常摔倒臉朝地。He is clumsy and fall over all the way. 胖胖好想放棄。Chubby wants to give up. 因為牠覺得溜冰不容易。For this is not an easy thing to make. 帕芬鳥說是體型太胖的關係。“You are too chubby!” The puffin says. 雪鴞認為胖胖應該再努力。“You should keep it up!” The snowy says. 到底為什麼學不會溜冰?How on earth he can not learn to skate? 看著越來越小的浮冰,胖胖也搞不清楚原因。Chubby doesn’t know the reason why, with the floating ice fades. 問題: 1. 北極熊胖胖想做什麼?What does Chubby the polar bear want to do? 2. 帕芬鳥認為胖胖為什麼學不會溜冰?Why doesn’t the puffin think that Chubby can learn to skate? 3. 最後,北極熊胖胖有沒有學會溜冰?In the end, does Chubby learn to skate?


Key words:powerful萬能的、cabinet櫥櫃、comfort安慰 屋內陷入一片黑。The power just went out in the house. 又是萬能超人大顯身手的機會。And it is the great chance for powerful men. 釘桌椅、搬櫥櫃、洗被子,萬能超人全都會。They can nail the table and chair, move the cabinet, and wash the quilt. 寫功課、玩籃球、跳街舞,萬能超人全會陪。They accompany you to do the homework, play basketball, and dance. 拉拉說萬能超人是家裡的保壘。Lala says powerful men are the strongest in the house. 沒了他,心情低落沒人陪。There is depression without them. 沒了他,受傷沒有人安慰。There is no comfort without them. 萬能超人是家裡的大寶貝。The powerful men are big treasures in the house. 問題: 1. 停電時,是萬能超人大展身手的機會?Is it a great chance for powerful men when the power goes out in the house? 2. 萬能超人會保護家人,對不對?Can the powerful men protect the family? 3. 爸爸、媽媽是家裡的萬能超人,對不對?Do you think that dad and mom are the powerful men in the house?


Key words:anniversary年度的、tie領結、make the fur fly吵翻天、result成果 一年一度文具大閱兵。The anniversary review of the stationery is opening! 各個打扮得新奇又怪異。Everyone dresses up and looks fancy. 鉛筆妹妹穿得花花又綠綠。Little pencil wears dazzling. 立可帶哥哥帶上領結很帥氣。Big correction tape looks handsome in a tie. 誰是文武雙全的第一?Who is the best no.1? 大夥吵得翻天又覆地。Everyone makes the fur fly. 今年,文具閱兵沒有留下好作品。There is no result this year. 看來得改辦成團結大會才可以。It seems that we need to change the competition to reunion. 問題: 1. 誰打扮得新奇又怪異?Who dresses up and looks fancy? 2. 誰繫上了領結?Who wears a tie? 3. 今年的文具閱兵有順利完成嗎?Is there a good result in the anniversary review of this year?


Key words:sport運動、weightlifting舉重、competition比賽 森林運動會上,動物們大展身手奪佳績。The animals work hard in the forest sports competition. 兔子、袋鼠、花豹全都卯足力。The rabbit, the kangaroo and the leopard all do their best. 咦?怎麼不見小熊的踪影?Huh? Where is the little bear? 他認真努力想拿下舉重的第一。He tries really hard to win the weightlifting. 比賽缺席真詭異。It is strange that he doesn’t come to the competition. 他一跛一跛出現會場。Until he walks lamely into the field, 大夥才知道真正的原因。Everyone knows the true reason. 他啊,運動過度加上不小心。It turns out that he exercises too much with carelessness. 只能忍痛退賽,下回再努力!So he can only quits and waits for next time. 問題: 1. 森林正在舉辦什麼活動?What competition is going on in the forest? 2. 小熊想在舉重比賽中得到第幾名?What place does the little bear want to win in the weightlifting competition? 3. 小熊最後有參加比賽嗎?Does the little bear compete in the weightlifting in the end?


Key word : bicycle腳踏車、grocery store雜貨店、birthday gift生日禮物 小羊想買一台腳踏車。The little goat wants to buy a bicycle. 牠幫羊奶奶做蛋糕。She helps Grandma Goat make a cake. 牠幫鱷魚先生洗背。She helps Mr. Crocodile wash his back. 牠幫貓頭鷹醫師送病歷。She helps Dr. Owl send a mail. 撲滿硬幣存得越來越多。She saves the coins more and more. 沒想到,森林雜貨店的腳踏車銷售一空。But bicycles are sold out in the grocery store. 小羊失望又難過。The little goat gets sad and loses hopes. 咦?今年,大夥送的生日禮物不一樣?But wait, isn’t the birthday gift different this year? 原來,是雜貨店裡最後一台腳踏車。It turns out that her birthday gift is the last bicycle in the store. 問題: 1. 小羊想買什麼?What is the little goat wants to buy? 2. 牠幫鱷魚先生做什麼?What does she do to help Mr. Crocodile? 3. 小羊今年的生日禮物是什麼?What is the little goat’s birthday gift this year?

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