Key word : gymnast體操員、slide滑梯、deal with解決
小蛇花花是森林裡的體操王。Flora the snake is the best gymnast in the forest.
任何姿勢都難不倒牠。She can do every position.
牠是直線單槓。She can be a straight bar.
牠是圓形鞦韆。She can be a round swing.
牠是w型滑梯。She can be a w-slide.
現在,小蛇花花成了遊樂場的管理王。Now, Flora becomes the manager of the playground.
遊樂器材出狀況。When anything is broken.
小蛇花花搖身一變,解決它。Flora the snake transform herself and deal with it.
1. 誰是森林裡的體操王?Who is the best gymnast in the forest?
2. 小蛇花花可以化身成什麼?What can Flora the snake become?
3. 遊樂器材出狀況,誰能負責解決?When something is broken, who can deal with it?