Friday Happy Hour in Formosa

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2023 NEW Airtime Every Friday 17:20-18:00

英文有句話說,”When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!”。 我個人很想能夠透過節目來賓們的故事來激發外國聽眾朋友以及臺灣聽眾朋友們熱愛臺灣的動力!
Tune in every Friday from 17:20-18:00 for the Taiwan National Education Radio weekly radio show "Friday Happy Hour in Formosa" joining the host Beverly as she chats with expats from all realms of life each week about their exciting lives in Taiwan.

What’s Happening Taiwan! (臺灣一週新聞大事)
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
How Do You Say That with J& J 語言學習單元

*教育廣播電臺高雄分臺收聽頻率 NER Kaohsiung Station Broadcasting Frequencies*
嘉義/臺南 FM 107.7    高雄/屏東 FM 101.7
澎湖 FM 99.1              恆春 FM 99.3

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新加坡創意總監Jackson/摩洛哥音樂創作者Rabi *Jackson Tan Co-Founder and Creative Director of BLACK & Moroccan Musician Rabi

*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第一集* 主題:新加坡創意總監Jackson分享創業心得/摩洛哥音樂創作者Rabi表演傳統樂器gimbri Theme: Jackson Tan Co-Founder and Creative Director of BLACK & Moroccan Musician Rabi  *What's Happending Taiwan! 臺灣一週新聞大事 介紹了即將在四月底使用期限到期的振興五倍券,包括了誰可以領取?還有不同領取方式等等。 *Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透 分享在熱門景點九份 - 從不一樣的角度去欣賞他獨特的韻味。 *我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) 很榮幸能夠邀請到新加坡創作著/BLACK總監Jackson Tan來跟我們分享他在臺灣做設計創業的心得。 I am so honored to have a very special guest for our first episode's "我愛Taiwan 人客來坐" segment! We've invited Jackson Tan ,who is the Co-Founder and Creative Director at the Singaporean-based creative agency BLACK, to discuss what it's like working and starting a new business in Taiwan's creative design industry. *Taiwan's Got Talent (外國灣友人秀才藝) 從摩洛哥來的音樂創作表演者Rabi Guim Guim在節目裏表演傳統的摩洛哥樂器Gumbri。 We invite a guest to share a talent or hobby he or she has on our Taiwan’s Got Talent segment each week. This is our first episode’s guest very talented Rabi Guim Guim. Can you guess what he will be sharing with us on the show? *每週的外國友人音樂分享 I'm Sorry by Rabi Guim Guim 原創音樂

翻譯達人Jeff & Ariuka蒙古傳統樂器 *Professional Translator/Avocado Farmer Jeff & Yatga Musician Ariuka

*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第2集* 主題: 翻譯達人Jeff & Ariuka蒙古傳統樂器Yatga  Theme: Professional Translator/AAvocado Farmer Jeff & Yatga Musician Ariuka *What's Happening Taiwan! 臺灣一週新聞大事 介紹上個月在高雄愛河灣和衛武營兩個國家級主場地舉辦的2022年臺灣燈會。 *Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透 Part1 - 分享關於蘭嶼的地理歷史文化以及達悟族獨特的南島飛魚季文化。 *我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) 我的好朋友從事中翻英翻譯的Jeff Miller 要來跟大家分享,翻譯的詮釋跟文化認知的關聯性有多麼重要。當他沒有在忙著翻譯工作時,他的另一個「職業」是酪梨農夫達人! I will be chatting with my very good friend Jeff On 我愛Taiwan 人客來坐 segment. Jeff has been living in Taiwan for a long time and he is a seasoned Chinese-to-English translator. We will be chatting about cultural understanding and translation work are intimately connected since culture gives language different contexts. When Jeff is not busy working, he enjoys tending to his organic avocado orchid on their farm in Taitung. *Taiwan's Got Talent (外國灣友人秀才藝) 我們邀請到一位很可愛的蒙古女孩艾洛雅 Ariuka來跟大家享傳統蒙古的彈撥弦鳴樂器 - 雅托噶。(傳統蒙古文:ᠶᠠᠲᠤᠭ᠎ᠠ English: Yatga) Ariuka Yatga / Ятгач Ө.Ариунхишиг is from Mongolia and she's getting her Master's degree from Taipei National University of the Arts and have been living here since last October. Before coming to Taiwan, she was a full-time musician in Mongolia and this week she is going to perform the traditional Mongolian musical instrument Yatga for us. I love this picture of her all dressed up in the beautiful traditional Mongolian deel! *每週的外國友人音樂分享 Micheal Jackson’s Beat It - 艾洛雅(Ariuka Yatga) 編曲樂器演奏

紐西蘭夫妻 Kate & Jonathan 生活心得分享 *Kate & Jonathon - Life in Taiwan

*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第3集* 主題: 紐西蘭夫妻 Kate & Jonathan 生活心得分享 *Kate & Jonathon's Life in Taiwan *What's Happening Taiwan! 臺灣一週新聞大事 臺灣本土以及出入臺灣的防疫措施總和整理。 *Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透 蘭嶼 Part2 - 介紹在蘭嶼能夠做什麼好玩的事情,也提醒一定抱著一顆尊重的心態。 *我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室)/ Taiwan's Got Talent (外國灣友人秀才藝) 居住在臺灣已經12年的 紐西蘭夫妻檔 - Kate 是一位自由作家/編輯, 而老公 Jonathan 則是美語老師。今天邀請他們來跟大家分享他們在臺灣工作和生活的經驗。Kate & Jonathan 兩夫妻一直在嘗試培養自己和共同的興趣。包括了種菜,陶藝,騎騎腳踏車等等。透過這一些興趣,兩夫妻成功的在臺灣打造一個平衡的家園和生活態度。 This week I’ve invited my friend Kate and her husband Jonathan to come on our show as our double-segment guests! I met Kate through a pottery class in Taichung. Kate and Jonathan actually decided to move to Taiwan together 12 years ago from New Zealand. Though Kate and Jonathan work in very different fields, they’ve both managed to acquire many fun hobbies during their time living here in Taiwan. I love how they both take such a positive approach to everything they do together. Check out Kate's Ceramic Studio Page for any upcoming workshops!  Kate Nicholson Ceramics *每週的外國友人音樂分享 大家不好意思 - Paul Lawrence *中文原創歌曲  

在臺灣打拼的全能創作歌手 Keril韋喆 *Multi-Talented singer/songwriter/producer Keril

*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第4集* 主題: 來自加勒比海在臺灣打拼的全能創作歌手 -Keril 韋喆  Theme: Multi-Talented singer/songwriter/producer Keril *What's Happening Taiwan! 臺灣一週新聞大事 臺灣外交部透過財團法人賑災基金會開立烏克蘭捐款專戶Taiwan Can Help *Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透 Part 1 - 地道的臺南人生活節奏 *我愛Taiwan臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室)/Taiwan's Got Talent (外國灣友人秀才藝) Singer Songwriter Producer 韋喆 Keril 來自加勒比海的創作歌手,除了請韋喆分享他在臺灣的一些生活上的經驗,還要跟他聊聊他這一路誤打誤撞地來到臺灣,是怎麼樣成為今天這一個全能創作歌手的!大家都知道Keril 韋喆是一個很有才華的歌手,但是你可能不知道其實私底下有非常的多才多藝呢! We are honored to have KKeril 韋喆on our show this week to chat with him to learn more about his life here in Taiwan. We will also be playing his new single "Running Back" on the show!  Tune in this Friday to hear how this multi-talented Saint Lucian singer/songwriter/producer went from not knowing where Taiwan is on the map, to making a name for himself in the Taiwanese entertainment industry. *每週的外國友人音樂分享 Running Back - Keril 韋喆 原創作歌曲

Shaun和Henry分享如何取得浪人生活平衡 *Taitung Beach Bum Buds Shaun & Henry 

*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第5集* 主題: 澳洲Shaun和英國Henry 分享如何取得浪人生活平衡 Theme: Taitung Beach Bum Buds Shaun & Henry  *What's Happening Taiwan! 臺灣一週新聞大事 Long weekend ahead - 清明節以及兒童節 *Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透 臺南復古風情 Vintage merge with modern  *我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) 來自澳洲的Shaun Harper和英國的Henry Corklgan,要來跟大家一起分享他們最熱愛的事物 - 衝浪和如何在工作和生活中取得一個 ”浪人平衡”! We've invited Shaun and Henky this week to come to chat with us about the evolution of the surf culture here in Taiwan. These two Taitung buds have managed to maintain a perfect balance in their lives between being professional surf bums as well as holding a regular job that they both enjoy (and pay the bill!)  *Taiwan's Got Talent (外國灣友人秀才藝) Shaun 廚師的專業嗜好 - 煙燻BBQ 沒你想象的那麽簡單~ As a professional chef, BBQ has always been an important aspect of his life. He loves eating all kids of BBQ but he loves making BBQ/smoked goodies even more. So much so he even named his dog after one of the yummiest things he makes on his rooftop smoker - BACON!  Find out why BBQ-ing isn't just as simple as putting something on the grill on this week's Taiwan's Got Talent segment with Taitung BBQ pit Master Shaun! *每週的外國友人音樂分享 Hablo - Olmo 雨果 (guitar ,vocals) Alexis Leone (drums) 斯馬里奧 Semalriyaw (keys) *原創作歌曲

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