新加坡創意總監Jackson/摩洛哥音樂創作者Rabi *Jackson Tan Co-Founder and Creative Director of BLACK & Moroccan Musician Rabi
*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第一集* 主題:新加坡創意總監Jackson分享創業心得/摩洛哥音樂創作者Rabi表演傳統樂器gimbri Theme: Jackson Tan Co-Founder and Creative Director of BLACK & Moroccan Musician Rabi *What's Happending Taiwan! 臺灣一週新聞大事 介紹了即將在四月底使用期限到期的振興五倍券,包括了誰可以領取?還有不同領取方式等等。 *Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透 分享在熱門景點九份 - 從不一樣的角度去欣賞他獨特的韻味。 *我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) 很榮幸能夠邀請到新加坡創作著/BLACK總監Jackson Tan來跟我們分享他在臺灣做設計創業的心得。 I am so honored to have a very special guest for our first episode's "我愛Taiwan 人客來坐" segment! We've invited Jackson Tan ,who is the Co-Founder and Creative Director at the Singaporean-based creative agency BLACK, to discuss what it's like working and starting a new business in Taiwan's creative design industry. *Taiwan's Got Talent (外國灣友人秀才藝) 從摩洛哥來的音樂創作表演者Rabi Guim Guim在節目裏表演傳統的摩洛哥樂器Gumbri。 We invite a guest to share a talent or hobby he or she has on our Taiwan’s Got Talent segment each week. This is our first episode’s guest very talented Rabi Guim Guim. Can you guess what he will be sharing with us on the show? *每週的外國友人音樂分享 I'm Sorry by Rabi Guim Guim 原創音樂