• 天天跟跟狗狗們一起爬山的人生完美組合 Cecilia - Release the Hounds  * Hanging with Cecilia of Release the Hounds

天天跟跟狗狗們一起爬山的人生完美組合 Cecilia - Release the Hounds  * Hanging with Cecilia of Release the Hounds

邀訪來賓:Release the HoundsCecilia Mathivet播出日期:2023/09/22

*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Episode #38 第38集*

天天跟跟狗狗們一起爬山的人生完美組合 Cecilia - Release the Hounds  
Hanging with Cecilia of Release the Hounds

人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
Have you ever wondered what it's like to have your DREAM job? Well, our guest Cecilia certainly does! She's combined two things she loves the most in life and turned it into a happy and successful career for herself. I am super excited to have her come on our show today to chat with us about it! I hope today's show has inspired some of you. It's not hard to have your dream job if you plan ahead like Cecilia did. She took her time to explore what she really enjoyed doing in life and then she found opportunities to really hone her skills and experiences before she ventured off to start her own dog hiking business! I think that's a very smart lady right there who approaches achieving her dream job with careful planning! If you are a pet owner who lives in the Taipei area and would be interested in signing up your dog to go hiking and explore all the great nature Taiwan has to offer, def go check her out on her IG. I will be sure to post all her info on our website and all our social media! Maybe one day when you take your dog hiking on the weekends on your day off, your dog can show you the ways since he or she has been there more often than you have! 


你是不是有想過如果自己從事的工作就是你最愛的東西,那是什麼樣的感覺呢?今天邀請到一位住在台灣已經13年的特別來賓Ceceilia,來一起聊一聊她把她人生的兩大最愛的事情結合在一起,成立了一個帶著狗狗爬山的Release the Hounds!如果你或是你身邊有朋友平時工作很忙碌沒有辦法帶家裡的狗狗出去戶外好好運動的話, 都可以找帶你們家的狗狗去和Cecilia 和她的hiking pack 一起去探險喔!除了可以幫助狗狗鍛鍊身體,消耗一些體力以外,都還可以讓他們有機會能夠跟其他的狗和人一交起流。

Jain - Makeba

Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
首播日期 :
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2023 NEW Airtime Every Friday 17:20-18:00

英文有句話說,”When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!”。 我個人很想能夠透過節目來賓們的故事來激發外國聽眾朋友以及臺灣聽眾朋友們熱愛臺灣的動力!
Tune in every Friday from 17:20-18:00 for the Taiwan National Education Radio weekly radio show "Friday Happy Hour in Formosa" joining the host Beverly as she chats with expats from all realms of life each week about their exciting lives in Taiwan.

What’s Happening Taiwan! (臺灣一週新聞大事)
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
How Do You Say That with J& J 語言學習單元

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