*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Episode #37 第37集*
從金融界游向第二快樂自由潛水人生的 Raymond Ko - Part 2
From Finance to Ocean - Freedive Nomad’s Raymond Ko - Part 2
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
I really enjoyed my candid interview with Ray last week. This week we “dive” a little deeper into Freedive Nomad Ray’s perspective on living on an off-shore island that depends on tourism for half of the year. It’s gotta be a pretty tricky relationship/dynamic between the island locals, tourists, and the island's new residents such as Raymond himself. Since we’ve become FB friends on FB, I’ve learned so much about what the island of Xiaoliuqiu has to offer. And a lot of it has to do with younger generations that have returned to the island to start new businesses or new residents such as Ray himself who brought a different/international flair to the island. It’s really quite a cool scene there. No wonder Deep Week is being held there later this year! If you haven’t checked out this really fun week long event, you should definitely check it out! And sign up if you are even remotely thinking about trying out freediving! This is the BIGGEST freediving event happening in Taiwan and you would not want to miss it!
去年我在做節目的時候可能還沒有上手,所以有時候會簡單帶過一些採訪。但是今年作業上比較熟悉,以後我有時候會想要盡量保留採訪的內容,因為我覺得當你有一個非常坦率的來賓的時候是一個很珍貴的東西。我很喜歡上個禮拜跟這個禮拜Freedive Nomad 的創辦人Raymond的坦率個性。 他幾乎是有問必答,而且Ray真的會很老實的回答!我一直很想知道住在一個離島的新住民對觀光客還有本地人這三種族群的關係有什麼樣的看法? 自從我跟她Raymond在臉書上當朋友以後我發覺,哇!在這麼一個小小的離島上竟然有這麼多元的餐廳以及商家。這應該都要歸功於很多返鄉新年還有新住民所帶來的新的和國際化的體驗,所以像 Deep Week 這個這麼棒的國際型的自由潛水活動會在小琉球上舉辦,其實我並不訝異!尤其是Ray這麼好相處的個性,當然這個活動的創辦人馬上就答應Ray在小琉球舉辦這個活動,而且是活動的創辦人Adam連台灣沒有來過喔!
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