*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Episode #36 第36集*
從金融界游向第二快樂自由潛水人生的 Raymond Ko
From Finance to Ocean - Freedive Nomad’s Raymond Ko
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
Ever since my sister Becca went to visit Xiaoliyquio over the summer and had a blast with her entire family, I’ve been meaning to get in touch with our guest Raymond Ko this week to talk about what it’s like to live on an offshore island that relies on tourism. I wonder if that’s a love/hate for having the island jam-packed with tourists during the busy season on the island. And it just so happens that Ray has been planning this really AWESOME international free diving event in November called DEEP Week! If you are a freedive enthusiast or you've been wanting to try freedive, this is the event to sign up for! Be sure to come back next week when we talk more about this event, so definitely stay tuned in next week for more details.
But for now, you can go check out the event details by clicking on the link below
and go check out Freedive Nomad’s FB page since Ray is always posting these really awesome photos!
前一陣子我妹妹從美國回來台灣的時候帶了她們一家人去了小琉球一趟。他們玩得很開心,但是他們也很幸運地在暑假剛開始的時候抵達這個美麗的離島。所以他們完全沒有遇到暑假的人潮。我後來看了關於暑假所有離島人潮爆滿的新聞以後就非常想再次採訪居住在小琉球的Freedive Nomad 自由潛水教練Raymond Ko。更何況自從上次採訪Ray以後,他還上了幾個國際知名的報導!名人耶!所以特別想問問看以一個三年來長期住在這個依靠著觀光經濟的離島的過來人,想聽聽看他的個人感受是怎麼樣? 很碰巧的剛好Raymond正在籌備一個國際型的自由潛水活動 Deep Week,所以想說順便跟他讓他來上節目推廣一下這個非常有趣的活動.有興趣的朋友可以點下面的連結哦!這個活動會長達一個禮拜,(所以趕快去跟老闆請假吧!)而且Deep Week 會有很多來自世界各地,喜歡自由潛水的朋友們一起來參與,所以要趕快去報名噢。快樂的時光總是過得非常的快,我跟Ray怎麽可能會一集節目就聊完呢~ 理所當然的下個禮拜我們將繼續part2跟Ray教練的採訪!Stay tuned!
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