• Parkbus Taiwan Michael McCreesh - 讓我們載您到大自然  Connecting City Dweller with Nature *Part 2

Parkbus Taiwan Michael McCreesh - 讓我們載您到大自然 Connecting City Dweller with Nature *Part 2

邀訪來賓:michael m播出日期:2023/08/25

*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Episode #34 第34集*


Parkbus Taiwan Michael McCreesh - 讓我們載您到大自然 Part 2
Parkbus Taiwan Michael McCreesh - Connecting City Dweller with Nature *Part 2


人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
last week I started to interview Micheal Mccresh from Parkbus Taiwan. After the show aired,  I spoke to one of our loyal listeners and she wanted me to discuss it on future shows about sustainable tourism. Seeing that Michael also lectures in a university about this topic, I def would like to explore this topic matter with a few other guests related in this field as well. 

But just as a reference Sustainable tourism is defined by the UN Environment Program and UN World Tourism Organization as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.” I know some of you might be thinking, this is def one of those things that's easier said than done! Well, you are def right about that! No one ever said it's easy but you know what? Someone's gotta start somewhere with something right? So I am so glad to see organizations such as Parkbus Taiwan doing what they do.  And I want to stress that, just like anything else in life, you don't have to be a certain type of person to contribute to this matter! Anyone can regardless of age, gender, or color of your skin! You don't have to the the super extreme granola approach to tackle this matter. You just have to give it and try and that already matters so so much already! So the next time you are planning to explore the mountain ranges of Taiwan, check out what trips Parkbus Taiwan has to offer first! You just might get hooked and meet some awesome peeps~ 

這個禮拜我將繼續Part 2 跟Parkbus Taiwan 創辦人Michael McCreesh 的采訪!上個禮拜節目播出後,有人私訊問我說,可不可以在節目裡面更詳細的解釋永續旅遊(Sustainable Tourism)- 其實,用最簡單的方式來說,就是在旅行時設法降低對於環境和社會的衝擊,並促進旅遊地經濟發展。【永續】是一又簡單又複雜的字眼,簡單在於每個人可以融入每日生活或工作實踐的行動中;而複雜在於要整合不同面向行動,讓環境、文化與社會經濟各面向的行動可以相互平衡發展。那與其大家都嘗試用最困難,最複雜的方式,來做【永續】這一塊;倒不如大家朝著最簡單的方向去面對!就已經要去大自然裡面探索了,那就用一個減少Mother nature負擔的方式,一起加入Parkbus to explore Taiwan! 

4, 3, 2, 1 - K-os


Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
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2023 NEW Airtime Every Friday 17:20-18:00

英文有句話說,”When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!”。 我個人很想能夠透過節目來賓們的故事來激發外國聽眾朋友以及臺灣聽眾朋友們熱愛臺灣的動力!
Tune in every Friday from 17:20-18:00 for the Taiwan National Education Radio weekly radio show "Friday Happy Hour in Formosa" joining the host Beverly as she chats with expats from all realms of life each week about their exciting lives in Taiwan.

What’s Happening Taiwan! (臺灣一週新聞大事)
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
How Do You Say That with J& J 語言學習單元

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