*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Episode #7 第7集*
愛動物 充滿愛心來自荷蘭的瑜伽心靈老師 Shakira
Helping Out a Fellow Animal Lover/ Yoga Instructor Shakira
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
You know I can’t say no to any animals In need. So when I found out our guest this week had found a litter of EIGHT stray puppies at the beach, I knew I wanted to invite her on our show to help spread the word so we can find all 8 of them as well as the mommy pup a happy forever home!
Shakira Monique is a certified yoga instructor and a world traveler who happened to stumble across Taiwan right when the pandemic hit. She literally arrived in Taiwan just a few days before Taiwan closed its borders. Shakira fell in love with the east coast of Taiwan and now she considers Dulan (Taitung, Taiwan) her second home.
卡卡卡! 這個禮拜這一集節目內容是臨時卡位進來的!因為我們要跟特別來賓探討的狀況有一點時間的緊迫性。
來自荷蘭的Shakira Monique 是一位瑜伽心靈老師!在一次因緣際會下經過朋友的介紹剛好在疫情剛發生的時候在台灣關閉的前一天來到了台灣! 結果她一來就愛上了台灣,所以一呆就呆了這麼久!
Shakira is actually going to guide us through a peaceful meditation at the end of our show! Be sure to tune in to get your zen on for the upcoming weekend ahead!
與其每個禮拜的來賓DJ音樂分享,Shakira將帶領我們來做一個 guided meditation 用 peace & love 來迎接即將來臨的週末~