*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第42集*
主題: 沙發客來上課體驗分享 - Nico &小黑老師
Theme: Nico & Laila - Culture diving Taiwan <2 Perspectives>
*我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) Part 1
Laila had the opportunity to truly experience travel when she backpacked through south america. She knew this type of life experience to connect with people from other parts of the world is something that cannot be learned in a classroom setting. So she set out to find ways for her students to be able to experience that and that’s why they’ve already participated in Cultural Diving in Taiwan three times this year! This program connects foreign travelers with rural schools in Taiwan so the students can also experience that connection with other cultures.
小黑老師是一個對偏遠地方的教育發展,充滿著熱情與理想的一個熱血女子!我們約了老師來跟她談一談,當初她為什麼替他們學校的學生爭取到,這一個與世界旅人連結的一個合作機會!對小黑老師來說,學習不曲限於課本上的東西,她更想要學生們體驗到的是,從旅遊或者是生活上真正能夠學到的東西!老師將用中英穿插的方式,接受我的採訪,替Nico和學生們的接下來的採訪做一個前置工作。學校學生們!你們真的要感謝老師,這麼用心來替你們規劃,所以你們可以看的更遠 dream bigger!
*我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) Part 2
Nico came from France to study Chinese at NTU. He didn’t know what to expect when he signed up for Cultural Diving in Taiwan, but he trusted what fate had in store for him. Nico was definitely ready to share his story with the community/school that had selected him. But Nico had no idea that he was going to walk away from this experience with a newfound love for the east coast of Taiwan.
Nico是一個來自法國來臺灣學中文的陽光男孩! 偶然的機會,讓他找到這一個“沙發客來上課”的體驗活動。離開了大城市,來到花蓮玉里,在這三天兩夜的短暫時光,Nico體驗到了在地生活的樂趣,感受到學生老師們的熱情與熱忱。Nico知道這次的道別,將不是最後一次的再見, he will be back!