• 熱愛臺灣的多國語言學習者 Filip 非常規學習途徑 Part 2 *Filip Part 2: The Taiwan-Loving-Unconventional-Learning Polyglot

熱愛臺灣的多國語言學習者 Filip 非常規學習途徑 Part 2 *Filip Part 2: The Taiwan-Loving-Unconventional-Learning Polyglot

邀訪來賓:NAFilip Salomon播出日期:2022/10/21

*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第34集*

主題:熱愛臺灣的多國語言學習者Filip 非常規學習途徑 Part 2
Theme: Filip Part 2: The Taiwan-Loving-Unconventional-Learning Polyglot

*Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透
臺灣吉祥物: 喔熊/來臺灣記得泡溫泉~
Taiwan Travel Bureau Mascot - Taiwan OhBear! & A Quick iIntro to Hot Springs in Taiwan

*我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) Part 2 of 2
這個禮拜,我們將會繼續和上禮拜的來賓Filip,聊聊他是如何無師自通的想盡用自己的方式去學習中文的!  因爲疫情,現在人在冰島的Filip。Filip 是個多國語言學習者【Polyglot*】指的是透過學習努力成為的多語高手。Filip住過七個國家,但是,後來因為在旅行中認識了一些臺灣朋友,在完全不會說中文不了解臺灣是什麼地方的情況下,他就依然決定來臺灣渡假兩個月!結果一離開後,他一直念念不忘臺灣的美好。所以,最後他決定搬來臺灣。他就因爲疫情發生時,他剛好離開臺灣,所以一直到現在他還在歐洲冰島。若是你沒有聽到上禮拜的節目,記得回去惡補一下噢!相信今天和上禮拜的採訪,讓想要學習不管是一個語言或者是多種語言的你會有很多的幫助!

This week we have Polyglot Filip all the way to Iceland again to chat about his unconventional ways of learning languages. The first Taiwanese friend Filip met made such an impression that he decided to plan a two month vacation here which led him to eventually move here to learn Mandarin. But unfortunately, Filip was home in Denmark visiting family when the pandemic broke out so he wasn’t able to get back to Taiwan to continue to learn Mandarin. 
What’s unique about Filip is that he is a Polyglot and has a deep passion for learning new languages in unconventional ways. And since discovering his love for Taiwan’s food/culture/people/language, Filip also discovered that he wanted to teach foreigners Mandarin! Really cool right? Be sure to catch up on last week’s episode before listening to this one if you are planning to learn a new language~ There are a few very helpful tips. Find out more about Filip if you share his passion for learning languages! 

*我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室)  中文解說 
因為我覺得上個禮拜,跟這禮拜跟 Filip 採訪內容,應該是對我們節目正在學習英文臺灣聽眾,或者是正在學習中文的外國朋友們,會是有很大的幫助。所以,原本想說,我這一集會稍微有個中文的解說。這個想不到我們的特別來賓 Filip 非常的用心!他特別另外幫我錄製了中文版學習語言上的小提醒以及建議。所以,等於是 Filip 把他這兩集所講的內容精華,全部用中文來表達。然後由我來做深入的解說。Isn’t that so nice~ 
I truly believe everyone can walk away with some very helpful tips about learning from my chats with Filip. So that’s why I’ve decided to do a brief Mandarin version of all the important tips and advice Filip shared during my interview with him. But of course, being the super studious student he is, Filip has graciously contributed to this Mandarin portion of the show by giving a few tips about learning a new language, Whether you are a Taiwanese wanting to learn English or a non-Taiwanese person trying to learn Mandarin, I think everyone can truly benefit from this detailed breakdown of my chat with Filip~ 

Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
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2023 NEW Airtime Every Friday 17:20-18:00

英文有句話說,”When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!”。 我個人很想能夠透過節目來賓們的故事來激發外國聽眾朋友以及臺灣聽眾朋友們熱愛臺灣的動力!
Tune in every Friday from 17:20-18:00 for the Taiwan National Education Radio weekly radio show "Friday Happy Hour in Formosa" joining the host Beverly as she chats with expats from all realms of life each week about their exciting lives in Taiwan.

What’s Happening Taiwan! (臺灣一週新聞大事)
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
How Do You Say That with J& J 語言學習單元

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