• 外國小朋友應該上普通學校還是雙語/英文學校?*Amelia/Sasha/Molly on the topic of different types of school systems in Taiwan

外國小朋友應該上普通學校還是雙語/英文學校?*Amelia/Sasha/Molly on the topic of different types of school systems in Taiwan


*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第29集*

主題: Amelia/Sasha/Molly 外國小朋友應該上普通學校還是雙語/英文學校呢?
Theme: Amelia/Sasha/Molly on the topic of different types of school systems in Taiwan

*我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) 
你身邊有外國朋友,你再考慮帶他們小朋友搬來臺灣住嗎?他們一定想過這個問題:是應該讓小朋友他們可以完全融入臺灣的文化以及學習環境/語言,讓他們去上普通的學校?還是應該讓他們去上雙語或者是英文學校,讓他們比較能夠適應這個新的環境呢?這個禮拜,我邀請到了我身邊三位來自英國的小女孩們,分別是 Amelia, Sasha 和 Molly 。
Molly 和 Sasha 是姐妹。雖然她們爸爸媽媽是英國人,但是她們兩個都出生在臺灣 而且他們爸爸媽媽也讓他們上普通的公立學校。她們的中文程度搞不好還比我好一點嘞, 哈哈! 然後 Amelia 是差不多兩年前剛從香港搬過來,她現在在一個雙語學校上課。但是今年Sasha 也過去跟 Amelia 上同一個雙語學校了。所以這三個小女生,將以她們個人的經驗,來跟我們分享這個話題~ 然說她們三個年紀都還小,但是我可都是請她們都實話實說! 所以我覺得她們的意見,真的非常值得家長們參考參考!
Are you planning to move to Taiwan with your children? And are you asking yourself, “Do I enroll my kids in a public school and have them be fully immersed in Chinese or should I enroll them in a bilingual/English-speaking school to ease into things?”  Then you should listen to this week’s episode! I’ve invited three of my favorite little Tnsligh peeps - Amelia, Sasha, and Molly to get their opinions on what it’s like living and going to school in Taiwan! Molly and Sash were born and raised right here in Taiwan and they’ve always gone to regular public schools ever since they were little. Amelia just moved here from Hong Kong about two years ago and she goes to a bilingual school. And only just this year, Sasha also joined Amelia at her bilingual school. You will get different perspectives on this particular topic straight from the SOURCE! 

*Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透
我也邀請了 Molly, Sasha, Amelia 來分享她們在臺灣玩最喜歡的地方~ 
Since I have three very chatty little helpers this week, I’ve also invited them to join me on the travel segment to share with us their favorite places to visit in Taiwan! 


“Waiting for Boba” - OuYu 

Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
首播日期 :
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2023 NEW Airtime Every Friday 17:20-18:00

英文有句話說,”When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!”。 我個人很想能夠透過節目來賓們的故事來激發外國聽眾朋友以及臺灣聽眾朋友們熱愛臺灣的動力!
Tune in every Friday from 17:20-18:00 for the Taiwan National Education Radio weekly radio show "Friday Happy Hour in Formosa" joining the host Beverly as she chats with expats from all realms of life each week about their exciting lives in Taiwan.

What’s Happening Taiwan! (臺灣一週新聞大事)
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
How Do You Say That with J& J 語言學習單元

*教育廣播電臺高雄分臺收聽頻率 NER Kaohsiung Station Broadcasting Frequencies*
嘉義/臺南 FM 107.7    高雄/屏東 FM 101.7
澎湖 FM 99.1              恆春 FM 99.3

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