*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第28集*
主題: Larry企業管理主管轉PACK巴克幫-浪犬之家執行長 Part 2
Theme: Larry Part 2 - From Corporate World to Helping Stray Dogs of Taiwan
*我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室)
這個禮拜,我們將繼續 PART2 的 PACK Taiwan 巴克幫-浪犬之家 的執行長 Larry Chi PART2 的採訪。跟上個禮拜一樣,為更多的聽眾更了解臺灣流浪貓狗這個問題的重要性,所以會和Larry 用中英對照的方式採訪。
這個禮拜,Larry將會跟大家介紹 PACK Taiwan, 同步為狗狗和他們未來家庭設計的 巴克預備學校。 一隻浪浪要從街頭到找到新家的旅程很長,也很不容易。巴克預備學校 制定了四階段課程,來協助浪犬盡快完成他們的旅程。巴克預備學校的四階段課程內容包含:行為及個性評估、服從訓練、中途家庭社會化。課程能為我們的實習狗狗,做好被領養、融入未來家庭的準備,希望能夠提高成功機會!
這個巴克預備學校訓練的方式,不僅用在巴克幫浪狼們身上而已哦~ 這些都是大家非常有利於,平常大家在家裡訓練自己家裡狗狗的一些知識。然後也希望大家有機會,能用自己的力量來幫助臺灣的流浪動物們。有興趣參與"巴克幫"的朋友們,可以去看一下他們的網站,來看看什麼是最適合你盡一份力量的方法!https://www.packtw.org/take-action
We will continue PART 2 of of our chat with Larry Chi - the Executive Director & GM of PACK Taiwan 巴克幫-浪犬之家 (People for Animal Care and Kindness). There will also be a Mandarin portion of the interview following the English interview. Definitely a great opportunity if you would like to practice your English or Mandarin listening skills!
Last week we talked about what different ways you can help at PACK Taiwan. Just a recap, (in case if you missed out) PACK Taiwan 巴克幫-浪犬之家 is a non-profit and non-government organization that aspires to revolutionize the rehabilitation and rehoming of stray dogs in Taiwan. This week Larry will talk us through the different stages of PACK Academy
The journey from street to home is a long one, but PACK Taiwan has designed a 4-stage system called PACK Academy that prepares these dog cadets for adoption which allows these PACK pups to have the best chance to succeed!
Find out how you can can help PACK Taiwan! https://www.packtw.org/en/take-action