「人如其食」(You are what you eat),我們吃進肚裡的每一口,都是為世界投票。民以食為天,人類的飲食習慣也同時形塑著這個世界的樣貌。來自菲律賓的外籍學生及美國回流的臺灣人與您分享他們的飲食心得,一同跟進,一起減少肉食,降低碳排量、保護森林。全球糧食日這天,就讓您我一起在餐桌上,為世界投下永續的一票吧!
October 16th WORLD FOOD DAY
“Eating right” can save the world!
“You eat what you are”, with every bite that we take, we are also making a decision for our planet.
Humans rely on food and their eating habits affect our planet earth.
Two international students from the Philippines and a Taiwanese living and studying in the United States will share their dietary experiences with you, how they try to reduce their meat consumption, carbon emissions and protect the forest.
On World Food Day, let`s make a decision for sustainability and for our planet!