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Welcome to our show “高師i世界”, brought to you by the National Kaohsiung Normal University English Department. 

We will be inviting guests to talk about topics ranging from multicultural international education, what it’s like to be bilingual students learning Chinese in Taiwan to sharing experiences about studying abroad. Welcome to our show. and let’s get started!




Happy New Year,「高師i世界」團隊歡樂迎接2021

放開心胸,無所不談,教授在多元文化的校園中與來自世界各地的國際師生一起學習,一起歡笑,一起享受美好的大學時光。高師大大家長吳連賞校長攤開大手歡迎全世界的朋友們到來台灣,校長接觸國際學子無數,總是扮演著校園溫暖的國際大使。校長更是暢談跨文化生活體驗,講述青春歲月珍貴的甜酸苦辣。   JANUARY 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY: Happy New Year, Happy 2021! A message from the President of NKNU to welcome in 2021 with 「NKNU ♥ Global Voices (The World on the Air)」   With an open mind, anything goes! In a diverse multicultural campus setting, professors, faculty and international students alike can all enjoy a wonderful university experience. From President of NKNU Lien-Shang Wu : with open arms, we would like to welcome friends from around the world to Taiwan! In this episode, we also welcome to our guest panel Professor Jade Tsui-yu Lee, who has warmly served NKNU as an ambassador. Join us as President Lien-Shang Wu and Professor Jade Lee discuss cross-cultural life experiences while studying abroad, and other bittersweet stories from their youths.


本節目邀請華語所學程七位學生對於在台灣學習華語的個人體驗與經驗進行交流,並且分享未來在全球華語熱的浪潮之下,於教育界工作時可能會面臨的挑戰,同時藉由提供相關的資訊給即將前來或是已在台灣的外國留學生,希望他們能夠適應台灣的文化與生活。 另外,適逢1月7日俄羅斯東正教聖誕節:不一樣聖誕節,本節目也將介紹俄羅斯的聖誕節,並一同討論台灣和澳洲的聖誕節。透過訪談嘉賓親身經歷的分享,帶領聽眾一同認識不同國家的聖誕節。   Chinese language teachers share their perspectives on foreign students studying internationally.The Russian Orthodox Christmas brings in a different kind of Christmas feeling.   In this episode, we invite 7 students of the Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language, NKNU to share their personal experiences around learning Chinese in Taiwan, as well as thoughts around future challenges they may face in the educational field under the wave of a global Chinese language boom. In addition, January 7 is the Russian Orthodox Christmas, a different kind of Christmas from what most of us are familiar with. This episode will also give an introduction to this holiday, and discuss how it differs from Christmas in Taiwan and Australia. Through dialogue with our guests, we hope the audience will gain a better understanding of how Christmas is celebrated in different countries.  


在本集節目中將介紹日本成人節,並且配合台灣成人禮進行對比和說明,也會針對學生到日本留學或生活習俗加以說明,讓日本和台灣的學生都能了解這個習俗的特性其重要性。   Coming of Age Day: come and go in Japan, become an adult   In this episode, we introduce Japan’s “Coming of Age” festival, comparing and contrasting it with Taiwan’s own “Coming of Age” ceremony. Along with explaining the characteristics and importance of this custom, we hope to give a better understanding of this special day not only for those students currently studying or living in Japan, but also for both Japanese and Taiwanese students.    


主要在疫情之下,許多到台灣的海外留學生目前不能返國, 今天邀請兩位從給美國與德國到臺灣留學的學生<談一談在疫情之下他們的生活、學習狀況、對台灣的文化風俗的了解, 同時對於疫情之下如何排解思鄉之情,此外也會談一談雙語在台灣實施的情況, 進而向台灣的學生提出具體的建議。   In the time of a global pandemic, international students exchange their thoughts on air.   Under the COVID-19 pandemic, many international students who have come to Taiwan are unable to return to their home countries. Today, we invite two students from the United States and Germany who are currently studying Chinese in Taiwan to talk about their lives, learning situations, Taiwan’s culture and customs under the pandemic, and how to deal with homesickness.    


本節目介紹關於澳大利亞國慶日的特色,以及澳洲紐西蘭的文化特色。透過訪談嘉賓的經驗分享,帶領聽眾一起來認識位於南半球的澳洲和紐西蘭。另外,嘉賓也分享在當地學一個語言面臨的困境,並給予想於紐澳遊學的學生一些建議。   It’s fun to study in New Zealand and Australia   This episode introduces the cultural characteristics of Australia and New Zealand’s “National Day.” Through the interviews with our guests, the audience will get to know more about these two countries in the southern hemisphere. In addition, we invite our guests to talk about their experiences of learning the local language, as well as share some advice for those students interested in studying in New Zealand or Australia some day.  

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