• There is always a light at the end of every tunnel

There is always a light at the end of every tunnel

邀訪來賓:台師大學生黃韻庭 Vivian台師大學生林知頤 Branda播出日期:2021/09/16

自從疫情爆發至今,許多人遭遇了不同的困境與問題,失去原本生活的節奏、獨自感嘆時間的流逝而流淚嘆息,身為學生的我們雖然並未經歷太多的憂愁,卻也是受到很大的影響。因此,本集的節目希望能夠透過分享勵志的英文歌曲,讓聽眾們重拾對生活的希望與熱情,在激昂的歌聲中振奮精神、在溫暖的歌詞中重建希望、在輕快的節奏中調整步調,而在英文裡有句話是這麼說的:"There is always a light at the end of every tunnel."也就是「隧道盡頭皆有光」只要我們不斷向前,總有一天能看見希望!


Since the outbreak of the epidemic, many people have encountered different dilemmas and problems. Some people lost the original rhythm of life, sighing with tears and sighing alone with the passage of time. As students, although we did not experience too much sorrow, we were also greatly affected by the pandemic. Therefore,we hope that by sharing inspirational English songs, we can bring hope and enthusiasm to the audience, invigorating your spirit by the passionate singing, rebuilding your hope through the warm lyrics, and you can adjust your living pace along with the brisk rhythm. Still, here is a saying for you, "There is always a light at the end of every tunnel." That is, as long as we keep moving forward, one day we can see hope! Welcome back to Engcredible! Let’s find our HOPE!


Engcredible 英語奇育記
Engcredible 英語奇育記
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因應全球化潮流及科技進步,英語是連結世界的關鍵能力之一。為了提升國人英語能力,創造英語廣播學習環境,本臺與國立臺灣師範大學教育學系合作製播英語校園生活資訊「Engcredible 英語奇育記」節目。
In response to the trend of globalization and technological progress, English is one of the key abilities to connect the world. To improve English proficiency and create an English broadcast learning environment, the NERS is cooperating with the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University to produce and broadcast the English campus life information program "Engcredible-Learning English for Cultivation ".
This program is produced by a team of teachers and students from the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University. The program is designed to include modules that share international, cultural and educational knowledge and interviews with personalities, and its content includes cultural and educational information, cultural exploration, daily life information, and campus folk songs collection, etc. The lively style of the multifaceted program is designed to stimulate young students' interest in learning English.


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