EP02 感情生活【家庭其實是小型社會?】
父母與子女是世界上最親近的關係,不過為什麼即使他們經過長時間的密切相處,這世上仍充斥著許多親情上的齟齬呢?就像有些父母常對孩子說「我是為了你好。」但這個「好」孩子是怎麼想的呢?這一集就讓我們來了解父母與孩子間不同的想法並找到增進感情的關鍵吧! Most people consider the parent-child relationship as the closest relationship in the world. However, why do conflicts still exist in the closest relationship? Just like some parents often say to their children, "I am for your own good." But what does this "good" kid think? In this episode, let's understand the different ideas between parents and children, and discover what is the key points to strengthening relationships!