Multi Talks魔笛與茉蒂

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EP02 感情生活【家庭其實是小型社會?】

父母與子女是世界上最親近的關係,不過為什麼即使他們經過長時間的密切相處,這世上仍充斥著許多親情上的齟齬呢?就像有些父母常對孩子說「我是為了你好。」但這個「好」孩子是怎麼想的呢?這一集就讓我們來了解父母與孩子間不同的想法並找到增進感情的關鍵吧! Most people consider the parent-child relationship as the closest relationship in the world. However, why do conflicts still exist in the closest relationship? Just like some parents often say to their children, "I am for your own good." But what does this "good" kid think? In this episode, let's understand the different ideas between parents and children, and discover what is the key points to strengthening relationships!

EP05 感情生活【現代交友大不同】

現在交友的管道不只有面對面了,許多人會利用交友軟體去認識新朋友,但網路交友的危機重重、陷阱也多,難免會讓人有些擔心。該如何在交友的同時又保護好自己呢?今天的這一集我們將與大家分享一些網路交友的自身經驗,有興趣的朋友,快加入我們吧! Nowadays, face-to-face is not the only way to make friends. Many people use dating apps to meet new friends. However, there are many dangers and pitfalls in making friends online, which is worrying. How to protect yourself while making friends? In today's episode, we will share our own experiences in making friends online with you!

EP01 感情⽣活【科技變⾰的⼒量】

  現今,科技已成為我們⽣活中不可或缺的⼀部分。它可以說是⼈與⼈之間的聯繫橋樑,不過⼤家有想過科技發達的前後差異是什麼嗎?它改變了⼈與⼈之間的交流⽅式,也對我們⽣活產⽣了影響。在這裡,我們分享了許多想法,快來聽聽看⼤家最有感的事情是什麼吧!   Nowadays, technology has become an integral part of our lives. It can be said to be a contact bridge between people, but have you ever thought about the difference before and after the development of technology? It has changed the way how people communicate with each other, and it also impacts on our lives. Here, we share a lot of ideas, come and join us to know how technology involved in our lives!

EP03 感情生活【友誼指南針】

人生路上能擁有一段長久友誼是件難能可貴的事,相信大家在擇友時都有自己的一套看法。這一集我們將帶大家探討維持友情的關鍵以及男女之間到底有沒有純友誼呢?其中,我們也將藉由一部經典美劇《六人行》來帶大家一起分析自己的人格特質,聽完這集的你們也會更清楚在朋友眼中你是個怎麼樣的人喔! It is rare to have a long-term friendship in our life. I believe that everyone has their own views when choosing friends. In this episode, we will take you to explore the keys to maintain friendship and whether there is pure friendship between men and women. Among them, we will also guide you to analyze your personality traits through a classic American TV series called “Friends”. After listening to this episode, you will know better what kind of person you are to your friends!

EP04 感情生活【揭開愛情與婚姻想像中的面紗吧!】

愛情與婚姻的差異是什麼呢?有時我們對愛情與婚姻的想像會與現實有所出入,在今天的MultiTalks中,我們將帶大家探索這兩者在想像與現實之間的微妙平衡。不管是愛情還是婚姻,一旦取得平衡後就能夠走得長遠! What is the difference between love and marriage? Sometimes our imagination of love and marriage is different from reality. In today's MultiTalks, we will take you to explore the delicate balance between imagination and reality. Whether it is love or marriage, once a balance is achieved, it can go on steadily!

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