Key word : polar bear北極熊、chubby胖胖的、skate溜冰
北極熊胖胖開始學溜冰。Chubby the polar bear learns to skate.
笨手笨腳,常常摔倒臉朝地。He is clumsy and fall over all the way.
胖胖好想放棄。Chubby wants to give up.
因為牠覺得溜冰不容易。For this is not an easy thing to make.
帕芬鳥說是體型太胖的關係。“You are too chubby!” The puffin says.
雪鴞認為胖胖應該再努力。“You should keep it up!” The snowy says.
到底為什麼學不會溜冰?How on earth he can not learn to skate?
看著越來越小的浮冰,胖胖也搞不清楚原因。Chubby doesn’t know the reason why, with the floating ice fades.
1. 北極熊胖胖想做什麼?What does Chubby the polar bear want to do?
2. 帕芬鳥認為胖胖為什麼學不會溜冰?Why doesn’t the puffin think that Chubby can learn to skate?
3. 最後,北極熊胖胖有沒有學會溜冰?In the end, does Chubby learn to skate?