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主持人 :
Joey(劉怡彣) / Hope(張慧玲)


No more “Long Time No See.”別再說好久不見了

見到好久沒見的朋友或家人只會萬年用句「Long time no see.」嗎??? 來學學不同說法吧~~~ [學習目標]: 如何表達好久不見的其他說法 Practice Target: Learn other ways to express you haven’t seen a person for a long time. ********************************* Dialogue(情境對話): Hope: Hey, Joey, I haven’t seen you in ages. How have you been? Joey: Yes, long time no see. Hope: Wait. There are some better ways to say rather than say  “long time no see.” Joey: Really? Hope: Well, 今天就來聊聊還有哪些好久不見的說法。

What is this state of mind? 這是什麼心態?!(1)

很常時候我們會用一個詞彙來形容那段時間的狀態,例如:開啟假期模式,就代表這段時間只想當一塊會呼吸的肉, 但這個狀態要怎麼用一個英文詞彙來形容呢? [學習目標]: 學習英語中和描述心態相關的字詞 Practice Target: Learn to describe various states of mind in English. ********************************** Dialogue(對話): Hope: Joey, how are you feeling today? Joey: Fine. But nothing more than this. Hope: What’s wrong? You seem to need a vacation or do some changes to make you more cheerful. Joey: Maybe you are right. Maybe I need some changes in life. Hope: Like me. When I am at home, sometimes I just feel like going Goblin Mode? Joey: Goblin Mode? What’s that? Hope: Goblin Mode means a state of mind when you feel a bit like ditching social norms (拋棄社會規範) and embrace your basic instincts (擁抱基本直覺). 簡單的說有點像中文的耍廢心態。Go Goblin Mode 開啟哥布林模式,有人說是開啟耍廢模式 也有人說是躺平。你也可以說 be in goblin mode. 在哥布林模式中。 Joey: 哥布林,goblin,是什麼? Hope: Goblin 是歐美故事中通常很醜陋且禍害人的小妖精,小妖怪。Goblin mode也是英國牛津字典票選2022年年度代表字。 Joey: 嗯! Goblin Mode. 那還有哪些描述” 心態”的說法呢?

What is this state of mind? 這是什麼心態?!(2)

農曆新年將至,尾牙紅包大禮是否都成為囊中物了呢? 但年末其實也是一波轉職潮喔~你有聽過安靜離職嗎?這又是形容什麼樣的情況呢? [學習目標]: 學習英語中和各種心態相關的字詞 Practice Target: Learn to describe different states of mind in English. *********************************** Dialogue(對話): Hope: What a beautiful Friday afternoon! Let’s go get some sunlight and grab a cup of coffee. Joey: Good idea! But wait! Let me complete this project. Hope: Hey, Joey, that’s the spirit! If I were your boss, I would love your attitude.       (*That’s the spirit. 這就對了,就是這種精神。) Joey: Really, thanks.  Hope: By the way, have you heard of a frame of mind towards working called “Quiet quitting.” Joey: 有耶。安靜離職。可是我覺得這態度不好。 Hope: No kidding. (真的!) At least, a person should take responsibility of what he or she is doing.   (*take responsibility of 對…負責) Joey: 嗯! Quiet quitting 那還有哪些描述這個心態的形容方法呢?

Are you ready to order? 準備點餐了嗎?

年假期間大家是否都規劃出遊旅行了呢? 而每次旅行最讓人期待的,應該就是早晨的第一餐了吧! 今天來學學早餐不可或缺的靈魂—蛋,有哪些說法呢? [學習目標]: 學習上餐廳的簡易點餐相關的字詞 Practice Target: Learn to older food in English. ************************************ Dialogue(對話): Server: Are you ready to order? Customer: Hi! Can I have two eggs with bacon and toast? Server: Okay. How would you like your eggs? Customer: I’d like scrambled eggs. Does it come with anything? Server: Sure. It comes with home fries. Anything to drink? Customer: Let’s see. I’ll have a coffee, please. Server: cream, sugar or milk? Customer: Sugar, please. Server: Here you go. Egg and bacon. Here’s your coffee. Are you all set? Customer: Yes. Thanks. I am all set.

I don’t know.漂亮地說我不知道!

年假過後,還記得上班的路要怎麼走嗎??!! 如果遇到什麼不知道的事,只會說「I don’t know.」,來學學還有什麼「我不知道」的說法吧! [學習目標]: 學習英語中和各種取代I don’t know 的相關的字詞 Practice Target: Learn to say “I don’t know” in another way. *********************************** Dialogue(情境對話): (in the office) Manager: Lisa, when will Mr. Liu’s plane be arriving? Lisa: I don’t know. Manager: Where is he going to stay the following days? Lisa: I have no idea. Manager: Who is going to pick him up at the airport? Lisa: eh~ I have no clue Manager: What else do you know? Lisa: I know if I could, I would tell you right away.

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