• 新課綱在幹嘛 ? :自主學習計畫的自我探索分享
  • 新課綱在幹嘛 ? :自主學習計畫的自我探索分享

新課綱在幹嘛 ? :自主學習計畫的自我探索分享

邀訪來賓:國立台灣師範大學 學生劉耑妤播出日期:2024/06/20

~本集由 儲詠潔 Lyanne 及 黃可竹 Roxana 主持~


    After years of implementing the new curriculum guideline, quite a few students have expressed that, from selecting topics to the scale of implementation, they often felt at sea. Fortunately, in today’s episode, we invited Eloise, who experienced the first implementation of the new curriculum guideline, to share her own opinion about it and the challenges of doing her self-directed learning. Of course, the inspiration during the process will not be ignored. Speaking of school, do you know that many schools have begun to provide free sanitary pads for girls? Why do schools make sanitary pads free of charge? What’s the idea behind this?

    If you want to know more about free sanitary pads and the personal experience sharing of the new curriculum guideline, please stay tuned to this episode!

    新課綱近幾年實施以來,不少學生對於自主學習計畫的撰寫相當迷惘,從計畫主題挑選到執行的規模,都讓學生們往往無所適從。很榮幸地,在本集的節目中,我們邀請到體驗過第一屆新課綱的Eloise,分享自己對新課綱的想法與執行自主學習計畫遇到的種種挑戰及對自己英語寫作興趣的啟發。此外,提到學校,你知道現在學校的廁所會提供免費衛生棉供學生使用嗎 ? 為什麼學校要提供免費衛生棉呢? 





Engcredible 英語奇育記
Engcredible 英語奇育記
首播日期 :
主持人 :

因應全球化潮流及科技進步,英語是連結世界的關鍵能力之一。為了提升國人英語能力,創造英語廣播學習環境,本臺與國立臺灣師範大學教育學系合作製播英語校園生活資訊「Engcredible 英語奇育記」節目。
In response to the trend of globalization and technological progress, English is one of the key abilities to connect the world. To improve English proficiency and create an English broadcast learning environment, the NERS is cooperating with the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University to produce and broadcast the English campus life information program "Engcredible-Learning English for Cultivation ".
This program is produced by a team of teachers and students from the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University. The program is designed to include modules that share international, cultural and educational knowledge and interviews with personalities, and its content includes cultural and educational information, cultural exploration, daily life information, and campus folk songs collection, etc. The lively style of the multifaceted program is designed to stimulate young students' interest in learning English.


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