*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Episode #30 第30集*
Sophie Unsworth Rediscover Her passion for Rugby
Sophie Unsworth重拾她的最愛 - Rugby 橄欖球
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
Sometimes it's really nice to talk about leisure activities like today's show. Sophie found her passion for rugby again after moving to Taiwan. I think it's so nice to be able to move to a new country and still have something like sports to connect you with others, regardless of your skin color, language, and even the level you are playing at, etc.! Fun fact! Did you know in Chinese Rubby literally means "Olive Ball"? Obviously referring to the shape of the actual ball. And this applies to American football so they call it the "American olive ball" ! Anyways! I thought that was interesting!
If you are interested in finding out more about Taipei Baboons Rugby RFC Club, please ck out their FB page!
有時候在節目裏跟來賓們討論的話題可能都會比較嚴肅一點。但是偶爾像今天這樣子,很輕鬆就是跟來賓Sophie聊聊她休閒的時候喜歡做什麼事情,這感覺還蠻不錯的。我覺得每個人有一個興趣真的是很重要的一件事情。不管是你喜歡爬山,游泳,畫畫,或者是你是像今天還特別來賓Sophie 一樣喜歡運動,這些事情你如果明天搬到另一個國家,跟一群跟你膚色不一樣,而且講的語言也不一樣的人,你們還是一起共同做,而且還可以和每個人馬上融入。Sophie是說她從小就開始學習橄欖球,但其實Sophie在16歲的時候就決定不繼續玩rugby了。一直到等到她長大搬來台灣以後Sophie突然重新找到他熱愛橄欖球的原因。因為講他在這邊認識了很多志同道合的隊友。我覺得大家都是對這一個橄欖球有興趣的話如果你人在台北我非常推薦你去看看Sophie 他們隊伍Taipei Baboons Rugby RFC 的比賽。搞不好你很有打橄欖球的天份!對不對? You never know till you try! Tai
Tom Misch - It Runs Through Me