• 爵士音樂好夥伴 - 爵士歌手劉俐和加拿大吉他手Andy Part1 *Getting Christmas Jolly with Li Liu & Andy

爵士音樂好夥伴 - 爵士歌手劉俐和加拿大吉他手Andy Part1 *Getting Christmas Jolly with Li Liu & Andy

邀訪來賓:音樂工作者 Musician & Educator劉利 Li Liu小姐音樂工作者 Musician & EducatorAndy Ferris先生播出日期:2022/12/02

­­­*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第40集*

主題: 爵士音樂好夥伴 - 爵士歌手劉俐和加拿大吉他手Andy Part1
Theme: Getting Christmas Jolly with Li Liu & Andy 

*What's Happening Taiwan! 臺灣一週新聞大事
Mask rules will be eased on December 1st for outdoors
*我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室) /Taiwan's Got Talent (外國灣友人秀才藝)
這個禮拜我們邀請到赴美鑽研爵士聲樂研究領域的爵士歌手劉俐和加拿大吉他手Andy Ferris來跟我們暢聊臺灣,爵士,音樂和LIFE! 我覺得那天我們三個人的能量非常的棒!若只能用兩個字來形容跟這個禮拜兩個來賓的採訪那就是“舒服“!從他們兩個人的音樂歷程,國內跟國外的音樂環境分析等等。其實有種感覺,好像就是三個已經認識很久工作上的好夥伴!非常期待跟大家一起分享這一集的內容! 尤其是兩位來賓都非常不吝嗇在節目裡,跟我們分享他們個人的Jazz單曲。
劉俐跟Andy Ferris還有他們的貝斯手李昶佑,將在12/16在位於臺北東區,臺北藝文勝地必訪口袋名單享象表演藝術場館Rhythmscape ​為大家帶來一系列以靈魂與爵士樂風格演譯的聖誕佳音歌曲。另外,我們也會在節目裡面播出一首,他們跟他們Bass 手李昶佑一起合作的聖誕歌曲! 等於是他們下下禮拜節目的preview!
It’s honestly been awhile since we last had musical  guests on the show and so I am super excited to have Taiwanese Jazz singer Li Liu and Canadian Jazz musician Andy on our show today. AND We’ve actually played songs performed by one of them in the past. This was one of those truly magical and candid interviews where I got to sit down with Li and Andy to talk about what it’s like being a musician here in Taiwan. Li and Andy both showcased a little bit of their extraordinary talents on the show so this is def a show not to be missed!

These two have been preparing for an upcoming Christmas Jazz show in Taipei on 12/16 at the very intimate Rhythmscape venue. Also we will be playing a little Christmas jazz number of theirs as a little sneak preview of their upcoming show~ So be sure to reserve your tickets soon!    https://www.accupass.com/event/2211160613331852189413

Oh! BTW! On top of being full time musicians, Li and Andy are both educators as well. So be sure to check out their pages if you would like to find out more about what great work they do as well as any other upcoming performances they have. 

Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
首播日期 :
主持人 :

2023 NEW Airtime Every Friday 17:20-18:00

英文有句話說,”When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!”。 我個人很想能夠透過節目來賓們的故事來激發外國聽眾朋友以及臺灣聽眾朋友們熱愛臺灣的動力!
Tune in every Friday from 17:20-18:00 for the Taiwan National Education Radio weekly radio show "Friday Happy Hour in Formosa" joining the host Beverly as she chats with expats from all realms of life each week about their exciting lives in Taiwan.

What’s Happening Taiwan! (臺灣一週新聞大事)
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
How Do You Say That with J& J 語言學習單元

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嘉義/臺南 FM 107.7    高雄/屏東 FM 101.7
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