• 節目幕後花絮 with Beverly & Phoebe * Behind the Scene of FHHF - Just Me, Myself and Little Miss Phoebe

節目幕後花絮 with Beverly & Phoebe * Behind the Scene of FHHF - Just Me, Myself and Little Miss Phoebe


*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 第30集*

主題: Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 幕後花絮 with Beverly & Phoebe 
Theme: Behind the Scene of FHHF - Just Me, Myself and Little Miss Phoebe 

*What's Happening Taiwan! 臺灣一週新聞大事
News Update: Southeast Taiwan was rocked by strong earthquakes last week

*Show Me Taiwan! 臺灣走透透

*我愛Taiwan 臺灣人客來坐(人物會客室)

有在準時收聽我們節目的朋友們,應該有注意到在片頭和片尾以及節目單元音樂裡面,有一個很可愛的小女孩的聲音。我做我的試聽帶的時候,高雄分臺的編審美足姐,就有特別稱讚這個小女孩的聲音,為我的節目特別加分! 所以我一直把 Miss Phoebe 當成我的秘密武器 哈哈。所以今天想說,既然要跟大家分享,那就不如跟大家攤牌,我的秘密武器吧!
I personally think the most charming part of my show is the sweet adorable little girl's voice in our intro/ending jingle! That's why I've invited Miss Phoebe, aka Friday Happy Hour in Formosa's secret weapon, to come on our show so you can all "meet" this smart little person I've had the pleasure to be around for the last two years~ 
*Special shoutout to Miss Phoebe's Mom and Dad for allowing me to share her with our listeners.

*Taiwan's Got Talent (外國灣友人秀才藝)
喜歡 跟人“ 抬槓 ” 是個才藝嗎?反正,這個禮拜,我就要硬掰說它是個talent~ 反正我說了算對嗎?哈哈。其實每次採訪來賓的時候,我都會稍微自我介紹一下。因為就連我自己,都沒有想到 有一天我會主持一個廣播節目?所以這個禮拜我想用一個採訪自己的方式,讓大家瞭解一下 Who is Beverly? And 我是如何因緣際會,獲得這個機遇,來主持這一個廣播節目。So Just me, myself and I~ 

Is loving to chat considered a “talent”? Anyways, I am saying it is at least for this week. SO~  I’ve been asked by many past guests as well as our listeners about how I got this radio gig. Let me tell you, I def never imagined myself doing something like this. But instead of explaining to everyone separately, I thought I would make it really interesting by interviewing myself today! That way you get to learn more about yours truly ;) *that is if you are even interested anyways. Either way should make an interesting episode, to say the least. lol. 

Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
Friday Happy Hour in Formosa
首播日期 :
主持人 :

2023 NEW Airtime Every Friday 17:20-18:00

英文有句話說,”When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!”。 我個人很想能夠透過節目來賓們的故事來激發外國聽眾朋友以及臺灣聽眾朋友們熱愛臺灣的動力!
Tune in every Friday from 17:20-18:00 for the Taiwan National Education Radio weekly radio show "Friday Happy Hour in Formosa" joining the host Beverly as she chats with expats from all realms of life each week about their exciting lives in Taiwan.

What’s Happening Taiwan! (臺灣一週新聞大事)
人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
How Do You Say That with J& J 語言學習單元

*教育廣播電臺高雄分臺收聽頻率 NER Kaohsiung Station Broadcasting Frequencies*
嘉義/臺南 FM 107.7    高雄/屏東 FM 101.7
澎湖 FM 99.1              恆春 FM 99.3

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